Sleep stealers

A number of factors contributed to last night being the worst night’s sleep I’ve had in ages.

First of all, we had been out to dinner, so it took a while to settle down and let the food digest, etc. The end result being that I didn’t get to bed until fairly late.

Secondly, it’s still been really hot — which never helps.

And finally, it was a full moon!

All in all, I slept just a little more than three hours. Functioning during Sunday service was definitely a struggle.

Sheesh…enough already!

I feel like I’ve been moving through molasses these last few days.

I manage to get things done, but it all feels really hard… and slow… and somewhat aimless.

I’m beginning to think the continuing heat truly is to blame. I feel sapped of energy and lethargic.

I believe temperatures are supposed to drop slightly over the next few days, which I hope will allow me to regroup and get back on track.

Blame it on the heat

Unless I’ve had a definite appointment, this past week has seen me mostly holing up at home.

I’ve made it a point to get up early enough to walk every morning while temperatures are still fairly cool. But other than that I’ve alternated between catching up on paperwork and emails with reading my book and sweating. 😳

In fact, I’ve been feeling slightly antisocial and I really do think the heat is mostly to blame.

Heat and more heat

I’m very grateful that we haven’t had a lot of appointments or errands to run these past few days. When temperatures are in the triple digits it’s a good time to stay home!

But today I had an appointment at 4:50pm — literally the hottest time of the day, with the temperature topping out at 113 degrees!

Mamma mia!

We just have to get through a few more days and then temperatures will drop back into the 90’s, which will practically feel cool.

Slow and steady

Today was not about getting big things done.

It was hot and I was fasting. Not a great productivity combo for starters.

Then I encountered setbacks with a couple of government websites and decided I’d better wait until tomorrow to try again (normal blood sugar levels should help).

So I’m ending the day thinking about the tortoise, and how “slow and steady won the race!”

Summer has arrived!

Hard to believe that Sunday service a week ago saw us bundled up in sweaters and scarves. Today felt like full summer in the amphitheater!

The heat definitely sapped our energy and we ended up enjoying a fairly relaxed, minimally productive afternoon and evening.

Tomorrow’s supposed to be even hotter. Wherever you are, do your best to stay cool. 🌊