Maude’s wisdom

This afternoon’s wedding was glorious and beautiful, but we were really pooped afterwards.

So…since “Harold and Maude” has still been rattling around in my brain, I think I’ll share some of my favorite “Maude” quotes. To be perfectly honest, for the longest time Maude is who I wanted to be when I grew up!

Maude: The earth is my body; my head is in the stars.
[pauses] Who said that, Harold?
Harold: I don’t know.
Maude: Well, I suppose I did, then.

Harold: Maude.
Maude: Hmm?
Harold: Do you pray?
Maude: Pray? No. I communicate.
Harold: With God?
Maude: With life.

Harold: You sure have a way with people.
Maude: Well, they’re my species!

Maude: That was fun! Let’s play something together.
Harold: I don’t play anything.
Maude: Nothing? Dear me, everybody should be able to make some music. That’s the cosmic dance.

Maude: I like to watch things grow. They – grow and bloom and fade and die and change into something else. Ah, life!

Maude: I should like to change into a sunflower most of all. They’re so tall and simple. What flower would you like to be?
Harold: I don’t know. One of these, maybe.
Maude: Why do you say that?
Harold: Because they’re all alike.
Maude: Oooh, but they’re not. Look. See, some are smaller, some are fatter, some grow to the left, some to the right, some even have lost some petals. All kinds of observable differences. You see, Harold, I feel that much of the world’s sorrow comes from people who are this,
[she points to a daisy]
Maude: yet allow themselves be treated as that.
[she gestures to a field of daisies; cut to a shot of a field of gravestones in a military cemetery]

Revisiting Harold and Maude

We hadn’t watched “Harold and Maude” in at least fifteen years. Ramesha had seen it only once before, while I’ve watched it probably twenty times since my late teens.

I can still remember hearing about it for the very first time. A friend in our high school church group had seen it and loved it, so he tried to describe it it to me. I was completely baffled and couldn’t imagine why he thought I would enjoy a movie that had to do with suicide!

Of course, I saw it a couple of years later and to this day it remains one of my all-time favorite movies. Largely for its humor, quirkiness, and uplifting Cat Stevens music, but even more for the joy that is Ruth Gordon and for its message that life is meant to be lived.