The perfect Valentine cookies

It didn’t occur to me while I was in the store, but these cookies really are perfect for Ramesha and me–not because we’re sweethearts, but because we’re also vanilla and chocolate! 😊

In fact, the cookies brought to mind how we described ourselves when we first toured as the Harmony Duo back in 2006:

Bhagavati (Sharon) and Ramesha (Fabio) Nani are professional musicians who formed The Harmony Duo soon after their marriage. At that time they realized that—being of different races, from different countries and cultures, speaking different languages, but sharing spirituality and a deep love for music—harmony was, and is, the foundation of their life together.

Their programs affirm and celebrate the underlying harmony of all races, nations and cultures. Although written by a single composer, the pieces reflect a diversity of countries, centuries, and moods. Throughout them all, however, one feels the universal thread of joy and inspiration.

So, yeah–we pretty much embody the principle of “harmony in diversity” and that’s why I got such a kick out of my unconscious cookie selection.