Awakening & deepening

Our workshops last night and this afternoon had some pretty lofty titles: Friday’s was “Music to Awaken Superconsciousness,” while today’s was “Music for Deepening Your Attunement.”

Not surprisingly, in each instance the essence of what came through was joy, harmony, and divine friendship.

We’ve had so much fun sharing and interacting with all the great souls both at Ananda South Bay and Ananda East Los Angeles that I’m once again feeling pretty pooped — and tomorrow morning we give Sunday service!

So, the full report just might have to wait until we get home.

Being the music

As part of her comments during this afternoon’s Gratitude Tea, Devi expressed her appreciation for the Joy Singers (who sang at the beginning of the event) by observing that we “are the music.”

I’ve been reflecting on that and, while I believe it is true, I think it doesn’t go far enough. In truth, we all “are — or can be — the music.”

All of creation is vibration. Therefore, everything in creation vibrates — including every single one of us — just not all at the same frequency.

We are blessed at Ananda to have a wealth of music that vibrates at an extremely high frequency. Members of Ananda have been singing and attuning to this high frequency music for over fifty years, which allows us to vibrate at that same high frequency in everything we do and wherever we are in the world.

When people (delivery or repair persons, etc.) visit an Ananda community, they often ask “what is this place?” They can feel the deep harmony that comes as a result of that consistently high vibrational frequency.

It’s subtle stuff that I struggle to put into words. But I’ve personally experienced the reality of this so many times that I know the truth of it in every fiber of my being.

Hope and beauty through music

I can’t seem to get enough of this young woman, Alma Deutscher. I find her inspiring on so many levels…and I think Swami Kriyananda would have found her as delightful as I do.

In fact, I think Swamiji would consider her a kindred spirit when it comes to her perspective on the purpose and meaning of music. If you haven’t listened to this video yet, I’ve cued up the section where Alma introduces the Siren Sounds Waltz by explaining her commitment to writing beautiful music.

And here’s what she had to say after receiving the European Culture Prize last October: “Until now, I have always composed melodies and harmonies just as they pour out from my heart. But I have often been told: ‘as a modern composer, you’ll soon have to forget your melodies, and concentrate on dissonance, as befits our modern age.’ But maybe this award today means that a more tolerant age is dawning, when melody and beauty will once again be permitted. Perhaps this is a message that there is more to European Culture than just dissonance. Perhaps there is also a place in European Culture for harmony. And how beautiful it would be if this message could go out into the world from Vienna, from the city of music.”

The Star of Hope. The Choir of Hope. A passion for expressing beauty in melody and harmony. A charming manner and droll sense of humor. Articulate and very intelligent. What’s not to love?!?