Looking for the shift

A good thought to ponder as I sit in our hotel room in Sacramento, preparing for tomorrow morning’s meeting with the bone marrow transplant doctor.

So many opportunities to shift my thinking and (hopefully) also shift my consciousness.

My funnel process

What do I mean by “funnel process?”

Well, for a number of weeks now I’ve been moving through a process, which I’ve recently understood as being how a funnel works.

Starting at the top of the funnel and getting narrower with each of the following steps, I’ve moved through…

1️⃣ Something’s slightly “off” with my bloodwork (blurry and VAGUE)
2️⃣ Tests and more tests (starting to FOCUS in)
3️⃣ Tentative diagnosis (gaining some CLARITY)
4️⃣ Definite diagnosis & initial treatment plan (facing a new REALITY)
5️⃣ Details of the protocol (holy cow, this is actually HAPPENING)

Sooooo…. It’s happening and I’m adjusting. I’m extremely grateful that what I’m dealing with is treatable and I’ve got an incredible care team. I also have an amazing amount of loving support from family, friends, and spiritual community.

Bottom line?

It’s all good. 🥰