Grateful for the very heart of me

Lately I’ve had to pay more attention to my physical being; for good and…less than good.

Which I believe is why this quote/photo combination caught my eye on Facebook.

“Have you thought to offer gratitude to the very heart of you, to give thanks to your flesh and bones, your heart and blood, your spirit and your soul for carrying you, for holding you through everything you have met so far.”

Both the words (by Brigit Anna McNeill) and the art (by Taryn Knight) really spoke to me, reminding me that I have so much to be grateful for. 💗

Immense gratitude

Sunday service in the morning and a celebration of Swamiji’s spiritual anniversary in the evening, followed by 24 hours of global focus on the chant “Aum Guru”!

A triple whammy of spiritual power which has impacted every level of my being.

I’m filled to overflowing with love, joy, and immense gratitude.

Thank you, Master and Swamiji.

So much gratitude

Ending this week feeling grateful for so much….

My increasingly good health. A loving relationship. My family. A job that inspires me and reflects my deepest values. Living in a natural setting. Song and laughter. Wonderful friends. Spiritual family. And so much more!

Truly, my cup runneth over.

My 3-step ocean experience

The sound of the surf and view of the waves at Carmel Beach.

Step 1 is the moment I first hear the roar of the surf in the distance. My breathing deepens and I feel like I’m coming home, at long last.

Step 2 is my first sight of the ocean. From whatever vantage point it occurs, I have to stop in my tracks and simply drink it in.

Step 3 is sitting back and completely blissing out on the sight, the sound, the feel of being at the ocean. Which I could do — and have often done — for hours on end.

Until I’m here (at pretty much any beach), I forget just how much I miss it…and rely on it. It had been more than two years since last time, so I’m really grateful that Ramesha took the initiative and planned this trip.

Indeed, I am the fortunate one!

Today is Ramesha’s birthday and here he is with his present: a beautiful painting — titled “O Holy Night” — created in Pune, India by our friend Shamini. It arrived with a few days to spare — just enough time for me to select the frame!

I think I’ve already shared that my spiritual name means “the fortunate one.” Well, I definitely feel fortunate — and extremely grateful — that this great soul decided to incarnate and that he’s sharing his life with me.💘

Thanksgiving weekend comes to an end

Interestingly enough, this has been an especailly enjoyable and deeply satisfying Thanksgiving. I really couldn’t have stayed any closer to home, but I still managed to connect with family and friends. And I’ve particularly enjoyed focusing on gratitude all weekend long.

Now I’m feeling to wrap things up with one of my favorite affirmations for gratitude (it’s from Affirmations for Self-Healing, by Swami Kriyananda).

I give thanks to the giver behind each gift, and to the one Giver behind all that I receive. My gratitude rises with devotion’s incense to the throne of Omnipresence.
I thank Thee, Lord, for all Thy blessings. But most of all, I thank Thee for Thy love.

Gratitude in six words

I really enjoyed reading the six-word memoirs describing what made people thankful in 2020. I had never heard of this form of writing, but it’s quite evocative. The New York Times put out a request for them and received more than 10,000! I feel to share my favorites of the few that they printed.

The crinkling eye above the mask.
My choir still meets on Zoom.
I am bored, but not dead.
Healthcare workers. Healthcare workers. Healthcare workers.
Tried. Failed. Failed worse. Kept going.
Daughter lovingly uninviting me for Thanksgiving.
There’s really more kindness than hate.
Postponed wedding, having a baby instead.
I am thankful to be thankful.

More gratitude

My sister shared this with me yesterday (thanks, Cathy!); I was touched by it and thought you might be, too. My gratitude to Ben Rector for this heartwarming song.

Happy day-after-Thanksgiving!

Familiar highways
Lined with leaves turned brown
Making my way
Back into my hometown

Funny how this all looks different, but it feels the same
Like how life never stops changing but some things never change

So fill your plate and fill your drink
And fill this house with family
The kind of love that all these years can’t wash away
Cause the older that I get I see that life is short and bittersweet
Thank God that it’s Thanksgiving Day

Watching football
Watching families grow
The old kid’s table all have kids of their own
Starting to see my grandfather in my nephew’s eyes
Mom still can’t talk about him and not almost cry

So fill your plate and fill your drink
And fill this house with family
The kind of love a thousand miles can’t wash away
Cause the older that I get I see that life is short and bittersweet
Thank God that it’s Thanksgiving Day

So fill your plate and fill your drink
Put your dishes in the kitchen sink
And let the leftover year just wash away
Cause we made it through I do believe the longest year in history
Thank God that it’s Thanksgiving Day

Celebrating a century of spiritual awakening

We spent pretty much all of today on the computer, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Yogananda’s arrival in America together with gurubhais from around the globe. There was so much inspiration that I’m actually feeling pretty exhausted…and all we did was sing two songs for the East Coast event! 😂

But at the same time, I’m grateful beyond belief that Yogananda came to America…for me! Finding my guru and embracing his teachings has transformed and blessed my life. Thank you, Master. 🌹🙏🌹

A peaceful morning

I was sitting on my front patio recently and marveling at the peace and serenity of the scene. And the quiet — broken only by the occasional bird song and little critters rustling in the leaves.

I’m so grateful to be able to step out my door and soak it all in; such a contrast to the hustle and bustle that was my reality for so many years.

At any rate, I felt to try and share a few moments of the peace with you all. The video can’t fully convey it, but it’s worth a try. 🤗