Overcoming resistance

Today was an overcoming resistance kind of day.

A day to support a friend, but within an uncomfortable context that was challenging for me.

And a day to knuckle down and do some important tasks that I’ve been majorly procrastinating about.

Grateful to have the day behind me and feeling good about what I accomplished! 💪

Silenced once again

Yep, in some ways we’re back to the beginning — no live singing or chanting, for Sunday service or anywhere else at Ananda Village, until January 5 at the earliest.

But in other ways, it’s not like the beginning at all. It’s way more frustrating because of all the time and energy and resources expended in between, for seemingly nothing.

Not to mention the sacrifices!

And yes, a part of me thinks I have some nerve whining about not being able to sing. I mean, I think about all those working on the front lines in hospitals and clinics — from doctors and nurses to food service workers and cleaning crews. I think about the people working in grocery stores and gas stations and pharmacies, so that we can be fed and supplied. And I am so, so grateful for them all.

So, yeah, in some ways we’re back to the beginning, but with a lot more understanding and compassion and — yes — patience.

Belly laughs at end of day

As I write this I’m still chuckling over some end of the day silliness between Ramesha and me.

The background would take way too long to explain. Suffice it to say that I heard “kiss in sync” as “kitchen sink” and we were goners!

So, I’m once again feeling consciously and deeply grateful for the gift of a life partner with whom I laugh pretty much every day.

So much to be grateful for

Despite current challenges and physical distancing, it’s been a full, eventful, and deeply satisfying Thanksgiving.

I truly have so much to be grateful for!

But instead of writing a long list I’ll just sit here at the end of the day and feel the gratitude in my heart… Mmmm…such a yummy, warm and fuzzy glow!

And for some additional Thanksgiving smiles… I was looking for a video of this song but had forgotten about this recording we made a few years ago when David was down for a visit. It’s completely spontaneous (as you’ll hear) but we had a lot of fun and I think the song comes through pretty well. Enjoy…and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Bhagavati, Ramesha, David, Jeanniei during a weekly music meeting in 2018