One united ray

The Christmas concert was beautiful and also extremely well-received. There were many high points, but the highest high point for me is still the virtual choir singing The Christmas Mystery.

I’m not yet able to share just this one song with you, but as I looked at the radiant faces of all the singers, I was struck once again by how very global and yet united we are as a spiritual family.

And that gave me the idea to simply list (to the best of my knowledge) where each person lives currently, as well as their country of origin (if it’s different). Not sure I got everyone right, but most of them. And it was fun!

India, Italy (born in Germany), California, California, India, New Zealand, Colorado, Italy, California, Hawaii, Italy, Israel, California, California, Italy, India, California (born in India), India, India, California, Texas, California, Texas, California, India, California, California, Missouri, India, Florida, India, India (born in California), California, India (born in Japan), California, California (born in Africa), California, India, India, California, California (born in Turkey), Hawaii, California (born in India), California, California, California, India, California, California, California, Texas, Washington, Oregon, California, California, California, India, California, California

So very diverse and yet all of us drawn together by our love for God and Guru. 🙏