Falling behind

It’s been quite a full week, with photos piling up from Thursday lunch at Graziella’s; Friday’s visit to the cemetery and church in Canobbio; Saturday dinner at Dudo and Karin’s; and finally, a super fun lunch/sing-along with extended family, during which we were treated to the traditional popular music of Ticino, performed by the duo TacalĂ .

I’ll be sharing all about that, plus lots of photos, in the near future.

But the top priority right now is being ready to leave early in the morning for the next phase of our trip: Cinque Terre!

A full week already

Monday and Tuesday have been so intense that it feels like a full week already.

Here’s hoping for a relatively chill Wednesday.

Swirling thoughts

What a full and complicated week it’s been…and there’s still Friday to go!

I’m amazed at just how many different ideas and bits of information and decisions to be made are swirling around in my brain.

It’s rather exhausting, so I think I’ll stop right there for tonight.

Time to chill

It’s been a full week, that finished up with the accomplishing of some rather large tasks.

So, I’m feeling pretty done; ready to chill out and take it easy.

Ramesha and I have been reflecting on our need for some serious time off and I’m strongly feeling that in this moment as well.