Valentine’s Day reflections

We don’t really go all in on the Valentine’s Day hoopla. When possible we make sure to eat dinner together, ending with some sort of heart-shaped dessert (usually cookies), and that’s about it.

Mainly it’s a day when I find myself thinking a lot about love; most especially how fortunate I am to love, and be loved by, so many wonderful people.

My husband; my family; his family; friends from school (junior high through conservatory); friends who were professional colleagues; spiritual family from around the world; and on and on it goes.

So, what Valentine’s Day means to me is simply LOVE.

An evening with friends

Tonight we made time for dinner with some dear friends.

We were three couples, who ate, shared, told stories, and ate some more.

But most of all, we laughed. There was so much joy in simply being together.

I feel extremely fortunate in my friends.