THIS happened at tonight’s rehearsal

During both Village Choir and Ensemble rehearsals tonight there were moments that absolutely captured the meaning of this quote.

The wonderful thing is that the “first breath” happens with each song…and each time you restart a song that you’re working on.

So, we get to tune in again and again to that focus, intention, and emotion. We get to feel, over and over again, our unified energies as we create an ever-new expression of our beautiful music.

What joy.

Focused intensity

Free Great Horned Owl Bird photo and picture

This day started out with an 8:00am meeting, then segued into planning music for the astral ascension ceremony (tomorrow around noon) and finishing up preparations for our annual presentation (tomorrow morning).

An email also needed to go out inviting people to our music satsang on Thursday night (Ananda Village Music: New Beginnings is the theme).

It’s been a while since I spent such an intensely focused day in the office and I’m totally ready to call it a day and go home.

Wisdom from Seva

I love the powerful simplicity of these reminders written by one of Ananda’s most beloved and long term members, who passed away last year.

Love God more each day.
Focus in meditation on Master, keeping the mind from wandering.
Help others and love them with God’s love.
Trust in Master to guide your life.

Truly words to live by. Thank you, Seva. 💖

My funnel process

What do I mean by “funnel process?”

Well, for a number of weeks now I’ve been moving through a process, which I’ve recently understood as being how a funnel works.

Starting at the top of the funnel and getting narrower with each of the following steps, I’ve moved through…

1️⃣ Something’s slightly “off” with my bloodwork (blurry and VAGUE)
2️⃣ Tests and more tests (starting to FOCUS in)
3️⃣ Tentative diagnosis (gaining some CLARITY)
4️⃣ Definite diagnosis & initial treatment plan (facing a new REALITY)
5️⃣ Details of the protocol (holy cow, this is actually HAPPENING)

Sooooo…. It’s happening and I’m adjusting. I’m extremely grateful that what I’m dealing with is treatable and I’ve got an incredible care team. I also have an amazing amount of loving support from family, friends, and spiritual community.

Bottom line?

It’s all good. 🥰

Coming into focus

I can feel things beginning to settle, at least a little bit.

I finally know who’s singing for the Christmas concert, for starters. We’ve actually had one rehearsal and the music binders are mostly complete.

Key tasks and important reminders are surfacing in my consciousness, helping me feel like “Oh yeah, I can do this!”

I just hope this flow continues and that the feeling lasts throughout the holiday season!


I had three topic possibilities for today’s post but none of them would come into focus. Instead I spent hours in mental meandering, without ever finding my out of the the mental maze!

Oh well.

Let’s build the new!

I find this quote particularly meaningful as I think about the state of the world right now. It also reminds me of what Swami Kriyananda taught us about not focusing on changing those who are negative, but giving energy to the positive ones.

Easier said than done, of course!

Too many ideas

More and more ideas seem to want to crowd into my brain every day. And a lot of them seem like good ideas, too.

Ideas for…
…informal music Q&A satsangs
…”sing-along with Swami” sessions
…creating music playlists
…online courses
…increased engagement with our “fans”
…music leader training
…more regular newsletters
…lyric videos
…how to rehearse choir using Zoom
…virtual World Brotherhood Choir videos
…training small groups online
…etc, etc, etc!

Unfortunately, there seems to be an inverse relationship between the number of ideas and my ability to focus or be productive. I know it’s partly my response to the unsettled energy and uncertainties of this time, but still…it’s really rather frustrating.