Celebrating St Hildegard of Bingen

“Hildegard of Bingen” by artist, Sue Kouma Johnson, in Hildegard’s style.
Happy Feast Day of St Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179)

I wanted to post a quote in honor of St Hildegard‘s feast day, but there were too many wonderful quotes to choose from!

I finally narrowed it down to only three.

From Portraits of Saints

Hildegard was an amazing woman. I read a novel a few months ago that is based on her life; it was very interesting and even inspiring in spots. I enjoyed it very much.
Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen by Mary Sharratt

Observing St Francis’s feast day

Because no one knows exactly when St. Francis of Assisi was born, his feast day is celebrated on October 4, the anniversary of his death in 1226.

We hadn’t thought about any of this when the music was planned for today’s Sunday service. But through a series of serendipities (in hindsight, at least) we ended up singing two of Swami Kriyananda’s St. Francis songs: Make Us Channels of Thy Peace (which we even “randomly” decided to do in both English and Italian!) and Peace.

I love it when Divine Mother organizes things without our conscious participation!