Remembering this time last year

I’ve been re-reading blog posts from a year ago and can hardly believe it was me who was going through all that last year.

One thing I’m hyper-aware of is being able to once again fully experience autumn.

We were super grateful for our time in Sacramento, but the fall there really can’t compare with Ananda Village. Not to mention how distracted we were!

Now I’m happy to be here for the duration.

How can it be fall already?

I ran into a dear friend today and we commiserated (from behind our masks) about how things are feeling harder lately, rather than easier.

I think it’s partly due to the subtle but very real stress of trying to maintain normalcy in these extremely abnormal times. Staying centered and calm, cheerful and even-minded takes a heck of a lot of energy these days.

And then there’s the fact that it’s already fall, but I feel like I wasn’t able to be entirely present for spring or summer. I want to say something more about it, but — really — all I can do is shake my head.

In disbelief.

…all fall down!

Well, looks like my wedding sari story will have to wait until tomorrow.

This afternoon I was running late for an appointment. I had stuck my feet in my sandals but didn’t actually pull them all the way on. Then I got distracted as I was rushing up to the Temple, my foot slipped or something, and…wham! down I went.

No serious damage done. A skinned knee that’s feeling rather bruised and sore, plus I wasn’t able to entirely avoid a bit of impact to The Shoulder.

Moral of the story? Allow more time. Put your shoes all the way on. And slow down, before Divine Mother makes you slow down.