A joyful Rajarshi Day

We usually have Rajarshi Day — our all-community workday — in early May, around the May 5th birthday of Rajarshi Janakananda (Yogananda’s most advanced disciple). But because Springtime at Ananda has become so big, and takes so much time and energy from the whole community, Rajarshi Day got shifted to June.

Although we had a beautiful, mild summer day for it, it was still quite a day for me.

My morning was spent outside of the Temple of Light, where I removed wire cages from around young trees (so that another team member could weed whack around the base of each tree); raked up the weeds; spread mulch; then replaced the wire cage.

My raking buddy, Brian, and I worked on approximately ten trees, all of them in the sun. I definitely expended more physical energy than I have in years — maybe decades. Fun, but exhausting.

Then, after meditation and lunch on the Market lawn with our entire spiritual family, I headed home to rest and shower before Ramesha and I got on a Zoom call with Ananda Australia. We were the guest speakers for their Sunday morning satsang.

As usual, all the tiredness went away as soon as we were connecting with the group and talking about Ananda Music.

Now, however, I’m ready to drop. 🥱

So exhausted

Sunday service at Ananda LA, followed by a potluck. Then the long drive home.

Completely done in.

Early bedtime

I knew going in what the various components would be but I could never have imagined how it would actually feel.

It started, of course, with the high dose chemo; was followed by lots and lots of IV fluids; then the stem cells were transplanted back into my body.

But what puts it all over the top is the reality of being in a bed in a hospital room for hours every day. Today was from 7:30am to 6:00pm, for example (although it was the longest and unlikely to be repeated).

So, despite doing nothing but lying around all day, I’m exhausted. Nighty night.