Still exhausted

Yep, our first full day at home completely wiped me out.

I was slow this morning but got it together to drive to a physical therapy appointment in the afternoon. A friend went with me so we could catch up with each other on the way, as well as visit over coffee afterwards.

Then Ramesha and I watched a few short shows and now I literally can’t keep my eyes open. And it’s only just past 9:00pm!

NOT getting things done

In all fairness, the week leading up to today was filled with lots of “doing.” In addition to the usual rehearsals and emails and meetings, we had a music team retreat, plus another day of recording. So I was understandably tired today.

In fact, once I got home from Sunday service, I was DONE. As in kaput, fried, and just plain exhausted. With no desire to do anything, even though I had created a longish list of tasks that I (rather foolishly) thought I would tackle this afternoon — HA!

So, now you can see why this meme spoke to me today.