Eclipse happenings

The eclipse happened, but Ramesha and I pretty much missed it because we were on the road all day, from 9:15 to 6:00.

We had a variety of errands and medical appointments that took us from Grass Valley to Auburn then all around Grass Valley once again. I’m grateful for the fact that we actually accomplished a whole lot, thanks to grace and serendipity.

But we just didn’t have the bandwidth to pay close attention to the eclipse as well. Listening to the Gyatri mantra while we drove around was the best we could do.

Recovery time

Recovery: wishing I could have had another day of it.

Yesterday fit the recovery scenario: I slept late, took it easy, didn’t even leave the house all day.

Today was the exact opposite: the morning was spent on tasks at home; I ran seven(!) errands in the afternoon; then had soloist/instrumental rehearsal in the evening.

And the rest of the week just gets more intense with final preparations for Friday night’s Oratorio performance.

Jai Guru!

Post-recording blues

Today was a bumpy reentry back to the everyday world of laundry, errands, and grocery shopping.

All while feeling quite fatigued. And more than a little cranky (though I did my best to rein it in).

Ah, duality!

Kriya: high point of the week

It was already a big week (with music to prepare and classes to attend every day), but towards the end I added two trips to town for dental appointments and errands; helped prepare the music office for carpet cleaning; and had to track down missing expense info for our upcoming tax appointment.

And, of course, tonight was Kriya!

I was so tired that I almost stayed home. But I’m glad I went because it’s always deeply inspiring and motivating.

Tiny snow person

The snow stopped long enough for us to drive into town to pick up a prescription and buy groceries. There were long lines in both places, with everyone stocking up before the next storm hits.

Our last stop was the bank, where this happy snow person was waiting to greet us as we parked the car. What a delightful way to finish up our errands!

A relaxed day in town

It started out with a lovely early lunch with my dad and my sister.

Got my boots refurbished in time for next week’s rain.

Did some early Christmas shopping for family in Switzerland.

Paid a visit to Les Schwab to check my tires.

Spent time browsing Weiss Brothers nursery and bought both indoor and outdoor plants (after all, I have to indulge my green thumb a bit to make up for two months away!).

After a break for a decaf latte and a snack, I ended the day by picking up a prescription and doing a bit of grocery shopping.

Believe it or not, it was a deeply relaxing day of going with the flow and enjoying every location, every person, every moment.

But I think I’ll sleep very well tonight.

A busy bee kind of day

Gardening; physical therapy appointment; a stop at the gas station (mamma mia, the cost of a full tank of gas!); lunch with Dad and Cathy; got the car washed; Quest Diagnostics for UC Davis bloodwork; pharmacy to pick up a prescription; quick dinner; and now off to rehearsal.

I’m going to sleep really well tonight!

An exhausting Monday

After a mild autumn, the sudden onslaught of serious winter weather comes as a bit of a shock to the system!

I would have been quite happy to stay inside, rather than out in the high winds and heavy rain, but I had two appointments in town — getting blood drawn for fasting labs in the morning and physical therapy in the afternoon.

In between I had my breakfast shake in the hospital lobby while replying to emails on my phone.

I got gas and cashed checks at the bank; took advantage of being in town to grab a few Christmas-y items; picked up our grocery order; then ate the snacks I brought for lunch while sitting in the car.

An intense physical therapy session, then one final errand: picking up artwork for the music office from the frame shop.

All while driving with extra caution in the rain and doing my best to stay dry while popping in and out of the car. By the time I got home I was completely done in.

Now it’s time for dinner and an early night.


Monday is often our errand day, but today was a doozy!

Tire shop
Doctors appointment (in Marysville, no less!)
Computer work (while waiting for Ramesha to finish his appointment)
Raley’s grocery pick-up

And finally….”home again, home again, jiggity-jig”!