Baby Got Track

Photo of the “Baby Got Track” team, from the Humans of New York Facebook page

If you’re on Facebook much you might have heard of the page, Humans of New York. They post touching or inspiring or weird stories about random New Yorkers.

Well, the story I read today is super-inspiring. In fact, I think it’s one of the best ever. (I was tempted to paste the entire thing here in my blog, but it’s too long.)

Briefly, it’s about how a middle school teacher — a young black woman — stepped up to the plate and started an afterschool track program; the impact it’s had on her students; and the victories they’re achieving as a result.

The synopsis doesn’t say much. But here are some quotes from the actual story that I hope will give you a sense of what I love so much about this…starting with the opening line:

“The school wanted to create some new after-school programs. I’d run track in high school. Was I good? No. But I ran. So I volunteered to create the track program.”

I mean, this right here is AWESOME: “Was I good? No. But I ran.” And “I volunteered”!

Also: “I’m not rushing them to be grown” and “My goal was just to finish the season. I wanted them to learn commitment. So when they grow up they can determine their own way without somebody pushing them.”

So much wisdom from this young teacher.

And then there’s all the love in the comments — thousands of them! I don’t know when I’ve ever read so many positive, loving, supportive, enthusiastic words in one place before (well, that wasn’t something spiritual anyways).

Here’s one that especially caught my eye, probably because “Say YES to life” is one of the guiding principles of Ananda:

“This is the kind of magic that happens when you say ‘Yes’. It’s a wonderful lesson for us all to step up to the plate even when we don’t feel we have the experience and credentials to do a job- sometimes what is needed most is conviction and passion! Go BGT!”

And I just can’t help sharing a few more:

“Sometimes it just takes one person to believe in you, encourage you, AND require something of you.”

“These are the lessons kids don’t learn on paper, sitting at a desk, and they aren’t measured by a percentage. The lesson of showing up, for your team, for yourself, practicing and accomplishing. Trying something. Taking a chance. Mastering. The empowerment is priceless. Awesome learning.”

“So many great things about this story! Volunteering, motivating, teamwork, great attitudes. They just needed their squad and some positive reinforcement.”

“Very inspiring! Right now, someone out there is reading this piece, and turning it into a ‘inspired by real events’ Disney movie script.”

I hope that last comment is prophetic, because at the end of their first year as a team, Baby Got Track won the New York State Middle School Championship!

I can’t wait to see the movie.

Team members of Baby Got Track

Onward and upward

I really appreciated the many words of support in response to my post about making the wrong choice.

It’s so helpful to be reminded that I’m not alone in my little delusive tendencies, and so encouraging to know my friends are rooting for me to turn things around and head in the right direction again.

It was also validating to realize that today’s Sunday service message could have been dedicated especially to me, it was sooooo spot on — from start to finish!

A precious gift

This small but powerful card is one of my favorite Christmas gifts this year.

It was tucked inside a Christmas greeting card. When it fell out into my hands I did a double-take and then tears filled my eyes.

It’s a phrase that is particularly meaningful for those who follow my particular spiritual path. And the reason I found it to be so moving is that I’ve been rebuilding my meditation practice this winter after a frustratingly long dry spell.

It’s almost as if Divine Mother sent me this beautiful little card as her way of reassuring me and encouraging my efforts.

No more playing small

The music team had an inspiring meeting with three of our spiritual mentors this afternoon. I’m always uplifted in their presence, but it’s especially powerful when they’re giving us guidance, encouragement, and suggestions for our work with the music ministry.

But as I was reflecting on all the wonderful projects and future ideas ahead of us, I realized that there’s only one real obstacle to my being able to successfully serve God and Gurus in this way….and that’s ME.

Yep, the usual doubts: can I do it? will it be enough? — blah, blah, blah.

So, I remembered this wonderful poem by Marianne Williamson (often incorrectly attributed to Nelson Mandela) and decided it was time to read it again (and again and again…).

Astrological weather

I’m always a little surprised, yet deeply comforted, when I “own up” to my low moments and then receive so much loving support and encouragement in return. I have the world’s best network of friends, for whom I am so very, very grateful!

One of those friends reminded me about the astrological perspective. Which brought to mind a quote from my astrologer friend, Drupada: “It’s just astrological weather.”

Yep. And like the physical weather, it can be messy and inconvenient and scary at times, but it passes. 🌈

Needing to remember this today

Wow, I really needed to hear this today!

Remember how far you’ve come,
not just how far you have to go.

As long as we simply keep going and don’t give up, it really is all good.

Thank you, friends!

I’m feeling so blessed! Yesterday’s sharing of some doubts and concerns immediately resulted in an outpouring of support and encouragement from friends far and near.

Having people in one’s corner — believing in you, praying for you, knowing that all will be well with you — makes all the difference in the world.

Thank you, friends! 💗

A single step

A friend responded to yesterday’s blog post by reminding me of the quote: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and it got me thinking…

So many times it seems that we finally take that single step and get started on our journey only to run out of steam and collapse by the wayside. Or take a wrong turn and lose our way. Or decide to turn around and head right back to where we started!

But the truth is that we can always start again!

We can stand back up after we’ve rested for a while and take another single step to start again. We can consult a map, get back to the main road, and with a single step resume our journey in the right direction. And, even if seems like we’re all the way back at our starting point, we can once again take a single step and start the journey again.

I’m really heartened and encouraged by this idea today!