Mundane tasks of no great import

Then there are days full of mundane tasks, things of no great import. Except that they’re part of helping one’s life to function smoothly.

I can sometimes reach the end of such days and get down on myself for not doing “more” of what’s “important.”

Hence the reminder to be kind to myself. It also helps to remember the need for ebb and flow, for peaks and valleys.

Oh, right! BALANCE.

Peaks and valleys; ebb and flow

I already shared two of my reasons for keeping yesterday’s post “short and sweet”. The third reason was more complex, so I saved it for today.

The first part of reason #3 was remembering the original point of this blog: to simply write something — anything — every day. When I started out (slightly more than a year ago) it quickly became obvious that this was going to be a not-always-comfortable process of being honest and authentic.

Sometimes I wrote a sentence, just to explain that I didn’t have anything to say. Sometimes I admitted that I had frittered away the evening in distractions and it was too late to write anything. Sometimes I just posted a photo and a quote.

But sometimes I would get in a groove of sharing something meaningful, which was nice. And then recent events took things to a whole other level, prompting an unprecedented (for me) depth of inner processing and heart sharing. People were touched; we engaged in dialogue; and then — of course — the expectations came creeping in.

So now I’m embracing the idea of peaks and valleys; ebb and flow. Sometimes it’s deep and meaningful; other times it’s goofy and strange. Sometimes it’s lighthearted musical theater; other times it’s tragic opera.

Peaks or valleys; ebb or flow. It’s all good.