Time to eat

Lunch today. Pizza tonight. Brunch tomorrow. Most likely lunch on Monday, followed by another lunch on Tuesday.

This is some serious eating! Which takes time, because we’re in Europe and meals are more or less three hours long.

The important thing is to pace oneself. And focus on enjoying quality time with people we love.

Eating without thinking

One of my “homework” assignments this week has been to read a little book by Thich Nhat Hanh, called “How to Eat”. It’s small but powerful.

I was particularly struck by this chapter:

When we eat we usually think. We can enjoy our eating a lot more if we practice not thinking when we eat. We can just be aware of the food. Sometimes we eat and we’re not aware that we’re eating. Our mind isn’t there. When our mind isn’t present, we look but we don’t see, we listen but we don’t hear, we eat but we don’t know the flavor of the food. This is a state of forgetfulness, the lack of mindfulness. To be truly present we have to stop our thinking. This is the secret of success.

There’s much food for thought is this little book.

Laughing with friends

These dear friends are to “blame” for tonight’s abbreviated blog post.

We spent the evening eating and sharing and laughing, which meant that Ramesha and I got home rather late.

Of course, it was great fun and well worth it.

Rocking the BP!

Yes Seth Meyers GIF - Yes Seth Meyers Fist Pump GIFs

Today I had a follow-up doctor’s appointment to review my labs and MRI. There are a few things that need further investigation, but blood pressure was NOT one of them.

Even after going off the meds in September and my recent month-long “eating rebellion” and some weeks of inconsistent walking, my reading this afternoon was 102/64!

Yeah, I think it’s pretty clear that high blood pressure is no longer my issue.