
Final day of Inner Renewal Retreat is tomorrow (though it’s immediately followed by two days of Kriyaban Retreat, so the week’s still far from over for us).

The talks have been amazing. Lots of deep inspiration and wisdom and joy.

However, sleep has been at a premium. So, tonight I am determined not to turn on my computer after this evening’s program of a Q & A with Jyotish and Devi. Because once I turn on the computer bedtime gets later and later.

And that is why today’s blog post is about why I’m writing today’s blog post early. 😂

Today: early, full, productive

Well, this morning I woke up before the alarm. In fact, it was before the crack of dawn!

I made it to my appointment on time, then did some banking and grocery shopping before heading home. I was concerned about making it back in time for an important meeting but it turns out I was a few minutes early and the first one to arrive.

The whole day continued along the same lines. Full and productive, all afternoon and into the night, since Tuesday is when both choir and ensemble rehearse.

But now I’m pooped and ready to hit the sack. And I’m thinking how nice it would be to build up some early morning momentum.