Springtime at downtown Ananda

The other day I rushed down to Master’s Market to grab some milk before they closed. Then I stopped at the mailroom to pick up mail and packages. Just the regular routines of a typical day.

Except that as I got in my car to drive home, I glanced out the window and was reminded — yet again! — of how blessed I am to live in spiritual community, in this small bit of heaven on earth.

A trip downtown!

No, I didn’t drive into Nevada City or Grass Valley, but it was almost as exciting: today was my first trip to downtown Ananda Village since March 14!

Of course, in the middle of March we had no idea how circumscribed our movements would be or just how much life was about to change. Looking back I can more fully appreciate how the (somewhat surprising) snowstorm that weekend helped get us started on the transition to our new “stay at home” reality.

Now we’re closing in on the end of our third week. Adjustments have been made and we’re handling it pretty well… for the most part.

Still, it’s pretty surreal that my current reality makes a trip to the dumpster count as a big adventure.