Regenerating: a higher octave of truth

Artist Credit : Artist Credit : Natacha Chohra

I found this poem before being diagnosed with pneumonia and forced to a rather screeching halt. Now I see this as my current higher octave of truth.

I don’t think you’re simply tired,
I think you’re regenerating.
Like all of mother nature’s children in winter, your instinct is to curl up, hunker down and reset.
You’re not less.
You’re simply in tune with the sun.
And as the dark days begin to wane, your inner wild fortifies and evolves, bolstered and renewed, cocoon-style.
Ready for the new beginnings, ready for the reinvent.
Simply ready.
So, let yourself be led down the rabbit hole, when the weariness washes over and your body begs to rest.
I don’t think you’re simply tired.
I think you’re regenerating.
— Donna Ashworth

Grateful for starting to know

Today I encountered a profound life lesson in the form of a poem.

“I wonder if you know,
the work your body has done today.
And every day.
How much disease it has fought off.
How many times it could have failed but battled on,
how many ways it could have broken but did not.
I wonder if you know,
the work your body has done today.
And every day.
And each day it has done this amazing job,
without your help,
without your approval,
your acceptance,
your kindness.
Each day it has soldiered on,
regardless of the constant stream of negativity,
pulsing its way from your brain to your cells.
Not good enough.
Not attractive enough.
Not the right shape.
Perhaps it’s time to see your body for what is truly is,
An amazing and mind-blowingly competent machine.
To get your soul to where it needs to be in this life.
To let you live.
I wonder if you know,
how much better you would be as a team.
I wonder.”

From the book, “I Wish I Knew” by Donna Ashworth