NOT getting things done

In all fairness, the week leading up to today was filled with lots of “doing.” In addition to the usual rehearsals and emails and meetings, we had a music team retreat, plus another day of recording. So I was understandably tired today.

In fact, once I got home from Sunday service, I was DONE. As in kaput, fried, and just plain exhausted. With no desire to do anything, even though I had created a longish list of tasks that I (rather foolishly) thought I would tackle this afternoon — HA!

So, now you can see why this meme spoke to me today.

Finally, a do-nothing day

Yes, it was a day of doing as close to nothing as we’ve done in a very long time.

I did manage to fix simple meals and do dishes. But other than that?

Well, I checked a few emails. I put away some clothes. I read my book. I replied to a few texts. We watched a movie. I read my book. I tried to write a thoughtful blog (but gave up). I subscribed to PBS. We watched an hour-long TV show. We watched a half-hour TV show.

And now I think I’ll go read my book in bed. 😊

Doing nothing and loving it

Yesterday truly did me in.

But of course, I had to once again get up early and make it through a morning of singing for Sunday service. It was beautiful and inspiring, as usual, but it took some real work to keep my energy up.

But then…?

…aahhhh. Nothing. Niente. Nada.

Ramesha went off to the Buttes with a friend and I pretty much crashed…but in the nicest, most quiet and subtle way possible.

I read a silly novel. I napped a little. I caught up on a few emails (but nothing demanding). And read some more while drinking a cup of herbal tea.

I eventually worked up to folding laundry and doing dishes.

I didn’t go anywhere or talk to anyone. And it was just what I needed.

On a roll

Sunday mornings are full, of course. Today we arrived at the Temple of Light at 8:40am to rehearse and make other preparations for Sunday service singing and chanting.

Afterwards Ramesha had plans to spend time with a friend, while I did a darn good job of replicating yesterday’s achievement.

In other words, I’m proud to say that I didn’t do much of anything all afternoon and into the evening. High points were relaxing with a novel on the patio; taking a nap; reading some more; and eating.

I’m getting pretty good at this “doing nothing” stuff!

Watching clouds

I’m getting better and better at this whole relaxing thing.

A good portion of my afternoon was spent sitting on the patio simply watching the clouds go by.

The ultimate in doing nothing.