The power of 1

Doing something is always better than doing nothing.

While studying at the SF Conservatory of Music I struggled to establish consistent practice habits (and, yes, consistency in all my practices has been a lifelong issue). I’ll never forget the lesson in which my flute teacher expressed his frustration with me by saying: “Just get the flute to your lip once a day!”

In other words, don’t focus on the hours of practicing I needed to do; just get the flute to my lip…for two notes. A scale. One phrase of a piece. Consistency.

Then there was the mentor who suggested a similar thing for exercise: “Just put the shoes on and get out the door…” For half a block. For a block. For a mile. Consistency.

When I started a serious meditation practice the struggle was just as real as ever. So I told myself: “Just get your butt in the chair!” For five minutes. Ten minutes. Thirty minutes. Consistency.

It’s never gotten easy for me, but if I do it….it works!