Bicoastal perspective

I saw this on Facebook. Here’s what the original post said:

For all my East Coast friends & family who say – “Oh, we’ll be in Los Angeles – why don’t you drive down for a visit !”
We are on the coast where the “o” in “Sacramento” is.

I haven’t spent all that much time on the East Coast, but I’ve certainly experienced a similar challenge when I try to convey just how far apart things are in California (much less the whole of the United States!) to friends and family in Switzerland and/or Italy.

Every point on the globe has its own unique “reality,” which is why I’m so grateful for the opportunity to travel and even live in places so different from where I grew up.

The joy of walking

Gosh, it feels great to once again be walking at my normal pace.

I was being very careful the first week after the AFib incident, as I didn’t want to trigger another episode. But this second week I’ve been gradually adding distance and the pace has been picking up quite naturally, without me even thinking about it.

And today finally felt absolutely normal. Yay!