An unexpected musical discovery

Yesterday was pedicure time, so I spent about an hour in the chair at Jivani’s (my friend, neighbor, and aesthetician) while she made my toes beautiful.

Although she usually has Ananda Music playing, yesterday she was taking a break from Radio Ananda and listening to an all-classical guitar radio station. I didn’t tune into it so much at first, but bit by bit it grabbed my attention.

I finally made a comment along the lines of, “Wow, this is a really good guitarist!” I might have commented on the intonation, the facility, the expressivity, etc.

Then I was curious to know who this “really good” guitarist was, so I used the Shazam app on my phone and discovered that it was none other than Andrés Segovia, who ranks first on all the lists of “greatest classical guitarists of all time.”

The piece I heard was Castillos de España by Federico Moreno Torroba. All eight movements are delightful but 2. Torija (Elegía) just knocks my socks off. It’s so beautiful I can’t help crying as I listen to it.

A surprising discovery

Sometimes I have an idea for a blog post but don’t get to it right away. Occasionally, it rolls around in my brain long enough that by the time I sit down to write, I’m no longer sure that I didn’t already write it!

When that happens I usually review my recent posts. But tonight I also decided to check that I hadn’t started out but then saved it as a draft.

I was surprised — in fact, I was rather shocked — to discover that I’ve accumulated fifty-seven draft blog posts. Fifty-seven!


The oldest dates all the way back to September 2019 — only a few months after I started blogging. It’s going to be interesting to step back in time and see whether any are still pertinent and usable…or whether I’ll be doing a lot of deleting.