I’ve been thinking about how Ananda is not just a physical location–the place I live. It’s also the way I live.
Similarly, Ananda Music is not just the physical sounds–the sheet music, recordings, and performances in which I participate. It’s also the way I participate–as a disciple and devotee first and foremost…seeking to get my little “self” out of the way, so that my higher “Self” can express through the music.
This is what makes Ananda choirs and singing ensembles powerful far beyond our actual musical skills. Every singer is doing their best to be ever more open and receptive to the divine flow. And, sure enough, grace shows up!
Which brings to mind one of my favorite quotes by my guru, Paramhansa Yogananda*: The instrument is blessed by that which flows through it.
So true.
* Yesterday I incorrectly attributed this quote to Swami Kriyananda. Sorry!