Discarding random stuff

Today I tackled a project that’s been eating away at me for months: the clearing out of a section of our staircase (AKA our “storage” area).

It was only one corner, but crammed with stuff that has been accumulating for close to five years. Not only was I able to establish some order to the shelves — light bulbs on one shelf; tools on their designated shelf; etc. — but I actually went through all the various containers and discarded lots of items that I know we’ll never use again.

But the worst thing? Well, you know when you assemble a piece of furniture and there are leftover bits (Allen wrenches, screws, nuts and bolts, etc.)? We had tons of those!

You hate to throw them out because — maybe, just maybe — they might come in handy sometime. But they NEVER DO (come in handy, I mean). They just accumulate.

So, between those bits and pieces, and a few other oddities, I have two grocery bags full of stuff to take to the free box.

Hope springs eternal that someone will be able to make use of this stuff!