Ready or not

I’m almost mostly ready. Suitcase is packed but there are still a lot of little details to handle early tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, it’s taken until after midnight to get this far. Arrgghhh!

The pieces are all in place

We just had our final run-through for tomorrow night’s Oratorio performance and all the pieces are officially in place and ready to go.

Choir, soloists, instrumentals. Sound, lights, song lists. Knowing who goes where and when — and what color they’re wearing. 😊🌈

A myriad of details, but tomorrow we’ll do our best to set them all aside and simply let the inspiration flow.

I still remember how

Can’t remember the last time I sat up late handwriting music parts; it’s surely been decades and decades.

Fun to watch little details come back to me…and I’m grateful for it, too.

Taking the plunge

Tomorrow morning is the Sevaka Order retreat, which is pretty much the warmup act to Spiritual Renewal Week.

Spiritual Renewal Week is pretty much the biggest week of the year at Ananda Village, with classes every morning; special events pretty much every afternoon and evening; and guests joining from all around the globe.

Music in a variety of forms is featured every day throughout the week. I think we’ve got all our music bases covered, but I’m so “detailed out” at the moment it’s hard to be sure.

Regardless — tomorrow we take the plunge and it all begins!

Swimming in details

We are fully back to our traditional (as in “pre-pandemic”) Spiritual Renewal Week, which means a Tuesday night concert with approximately 30 singers from Ananda Village and an additional 35 or so singers from Ananda communities around the world.

And only one rehearsal. Which not everyone will arrive in time to attend.

Then there’s chanting and a song before each weekday class. Plus a kirtan. And an Indian banquet with a musical entertainment component.

I was tempted to title today’s blog: “Drowning in details,” but that would be an exaggeration. I just have to keep going and I’m fine.

But if I were stop and try to tread water, it would be all over.

Tonight – Oratorio, Christ Lives!

All the final details are in place.

Now it’s time to rest, relax, and focus on feeling and looking our best for tonight’s performance.

I can hardly wait.

Oh, yeah! The performance is from 7:00-8:30pm (PDT) in the Temple of Light at Ananda Village.

Here’s the link if you’d like to watch it online:

Final countdown

The first Christmas concert in the Temple of Light is in three days. Tonight was the final run-through and choir’s doing (and sounding) great!

But, oh–! the details, the myriad details–!

And that’s my day in a nutshell.


Surf’s up!

Less than two weeks to go to the 50th and I feel like I’m swimming in an ocean of details… which day; which event; how many singers; how many chairs; what songs; which languages; logistics of a new venue; instrumentals; what to wear; booklet of lyrics; ad infinitum!

Sometimes I feel like, rather than swimming, I’m drowning in that ocean of details, which is my cue to remember the difference between swimming and surfing (not that I’ve ever surfed, but I think I understand the basic concept!).

So I crawl up onto my surfboard of knowing that God is the Doer and Divine Mother is in charge. I do my best to negotiate the waves of details through attunement with that higher reality and then I can start enjoying the thrill of the ride.