And suddenly…

…the last day has arrived.

We’re vacating the apartment in the morning because we’ll be heading to the airport tomorrow night for a super-early departure Tuesday.

Monday (our final day) will be spent hanging out at Silvio’s; going to lunch with him, Graziella, and Fulvio; and eating pizzoccheri for dinner with Manu and John-Beni.

Yep, the meals just keep on coming! 😅

Travel time again

We leave for Lugano in ten days. I can hardly wrap my mind around the fact that our departure date is almost here.

But I really must get my mind in gear so I can start addressing the practical realities of international travel.

Actually, I deserve some credit — this afternoon I finally got myself to order some key items that might not have arrived in time otherwise.

It’s a start!

Coming into the homestretch

There’s still so much to do before Oratorio, Easter, and then departure for Europe!

It’s all starting to blur together…sort of like in this photo!

Bit by bit

There’s still an awful lot to do before we depart on Wednesday, but I feel good about the progress I made last night and today.

Most of our indoor plants have been relocated. I have a plan for the outdoor plants. Three out of four loads of laundry are done. The house is clean. I have a home exercise program created by my friend, Satyana, so I can focus on gently rebuilding strength throughout the recovery process.

And I’ve got a growing list of items I don’t want to forget when I do my real packing tomorrow!

A foggy departure day

Photo of fog rolling through San Francisco’s Golden Gate

We packed up and left Santa Barbara fairly early, so I didn’t have time to take pictures. But I deeply appreciated Santa Barbara’s parting gift of FOG!

I especially enjoying heading inland and looking back over the completely socked-in coast, while ahead of us were patches of blue as the sun came breaking through. That was my daily reality for decades in San Francisco and it was like a piece of my heart went, “Ahh…that’s what I’ve been missing!”

So, now we’re home; very happy we went and even happier to be back.