Clear sailing and full speed ahead

After a turbulent, convoluted, multi-week process, it’s a relief to have actually arrived at a decision.

True, it’s not what I want to do, but I can feel that it’s the right thing to do. Which means I can once again get all my energy moving forward in one focused direction.

That’s my hope, at any rate.

Breakthroughs and roses

It seems like the big block I’ve been experiencing had to do with some deep but subtle inner processing. Which — thankfully — has now resolved itself into clarity around a big decision.

(I’m pretty sure it’s no coincidence that Mercury is going direct in another day or two.)

I’ll share more about all that soon.

In the meantime, much of my afternoon and evening was spent in the garden.

Hence the roses.

Questions and answers

There’s been a big unresolved question underlying all the activity of this day.

I think the process is bringing me to clarity, but I’m not quite there yet.

A decision has to be made and announced by tomorrow morning, however. So, I’ll go home now to pray, meditate, and sleep on it. Then I’ll go from there.