Bye for now

It felt a little crazy but this morning — in the midst of packing; dropping off recycling and garbage; and learning we had to get the car smog checked today — we actually took a few minutes to visit Crystal Hermitage Gardens and witness the beauty of the tulips before heading off to Europe for four weeks.

The truth is, I was feeling a little crazy, but as I stepped into the lower gardens and literally drank in the view you see in the above photo, with its incredible beauty and palpable peace, I was able to stop. To be still. And to simply appreciate the blessing that Crystal Hermitage Gardens is to each of us and to the world.

To be honest, it made it that much harder to leave. But we’ll be back soon.

The blessing of divine friendship

Today we got to visit with Jyotish and Devi poolside at Crystal Hermitage gardens, just a few days before they travel to Italy and then India for three and a half months.

We feel so honored to be able to call these great souls our friends. And our gratitude for their wisdom, clarity, humor, and love knows no bounds.

The blessing of divine friendship, indeed!

Feeling the love of Divine Mother

Today a friend shared this photo, taken during Springtime at Ananda in Crystal Hermitage Gardens.

I found it so completely precious that I had to share it here.

But really, the picture says it all. I have nothing to add.

Springtime concert in the chapel

Our concert took place in the chapel at Crystal Hermitage (photo by Barbara Bingham)

Today was our Joy Singers concert at Crystal Hermitage Gardens (part of the Expanding Light’s “Springtime at Ananda” retreat). It was scheduled for exactly a week and a day after the Oratorio, which seemed fairly doable.

The problem, of course, is that week and a day went by really fast! I was just barely recovered from the Oratorio by the time we met for our only rehearsal on Thursday night.

Going into the rehearsal, I hadn’t yet found the time or bandwidth to review all the songs and was dismayed to discover just how many of them were either newer or harder than I remembered. Suffice it to say that by the end of the evening I was not feeling particularly ready, much less confident.

So today (concert day!) was about pulling it all together — alto parts, lyrics, researching Shakespeare songs, organizing the binder, finalizing the location, etc. — which finally got the energy really moving.

Of course, once the energy was moving the grace started to flow, and I’m very happy to report that the concert went very well and was enjoyed by all.

Tulip magic

We finally made it over to Crystal Hermitage to experience “Springtime at Ananda” in the gardens and…yes, it’s beyond incredible. Positively astral!

There have been so many photos shared on Facebook that I had resolved not to take any. But…one simply can’t resist trying to capture the beauty.

So, here you go…

Cherry blossoms and April showers

We’ve been so busy with medical appointments and getting ready for the Oratorio that we haven’t made it over to Crystal Hermitage Gardens for Springtime at Ananda yet.

But we’ll get there, for sure.

The recent cold weather means the tulips will probably last a good few weeks longer. However, the cherry blossoms have already peaked and, as you can see in the video, the recent storm blew most of the petals off and onto the ground, creating a beautiful pink carpet.

You can get a better sense of both the upper and lower gardens in two segments of coverage by Good Day Sacramento.

Exciting news

I’m happy to give a shout out to The Expanding Light Retreat and Springtime at Ananda (in Crystal Hermitage Gardens), which are both reopening after being closed the past two years due to the pandemic.

There are two upcoming programs I want to mention in particular, because — surprise, surprise — there’s some wonderful music on offer!

First is an Easter weekend retreat, which will include our first performance of Swami Kriyananda’s Oratorio in the Temple of Light at Ananda Village. Although the choir will be small in numbers, it will still be a powerful experience!

The following weekend is a special Springtime at Ananda retreat, featuring the Joy Singers in a pre-dinner concert in the gardens.

If you’re looking for an uplifting, nurturing, spiritual weekend, I’d love to see you at one of these events!

Like old times

People relaxing in Crystal Hermitage lower gardens in celebration of Jyotish's birthday.

We celebrated Jyotish’s birthday in the lower gardens of Crystal Hermitage this afternoon. Choir sang a couple of songs; Anandi led blessings for Jyotish and then for Jyotish and Devi together (they leave Wednesday for Italy, then India); cake was served. Then (I can’t think of a better way to say this) Jyotish and Devi gave darshan.

This is one of the definitions I found when I went to double-check the meaning of “darshan”: an opportunity or occasion of seeing a holy person.

It felt very familiar to be in the astral beauty of Crystal Hermitage gardens; surrounded by great souls who happen to be dear friends and spiritual family; observing Jyotish and Devi as they interacted with person after person, radiating boundless love and deep wisdom. It brought back memories of birthday parties for Swamiji and I found myself thinking that it felt sort of like “old times”.

Thank you, Jyotish and Devi, for all you do to further the growth and expansion of Ananda, and for being our divine friends.