Back in the game

That feeling of being in a time-out?

Not any more! Divine Mother put me back in the game today.

I realized this morning that I had to get blood drawn today for my oncology follow-up appointment next week.

I also needed to pick up a prescription and buy a few food essentials.

I was definitely well enough to drive to town — no problem. But it did feel like a rather unexpected and sudden expenditure of energy after spending over a week at home recovering from COVID.

In fact, it’s only 9:30pm and I’m already looking forward to being in bed.

Quite the pair

I’m still testing positive, and Ramesha, negative. But he’s displaying symptoms now, which we’re hoping against hope isn’t COVID.

I’m mainly dealing with congested lungs — coughing and wheezing; Ramesha’s got upper respiratory symptoms; and we’re both low energy.

All in all, we’re quite the pair!

Swamiji: embodiment of pure joy

Ananda Palo Alto

In twenty-odd years I haven’t had to sit out very many Swamiji’s Birthday celebrations, but that’s what happened today.

It’s not just that my voice would not have been ready to sing yet, it’s that this morning I finally tested positive for COVID. Sigh.

Ramesha tested negative and has not had any symptoms at all, which we’re hoping stays that way.

So, I’ve been at home, thinking about Swamiji and how to better serve the area of his work that is ours to do — the music.

I’ve also been enjoying reading the many beautiful tributes to Swamiji on social media. My favorite is a series of video clips of him laughing — he had such a wonderful laugh! Unfortunately, it’s a Facebook video, so I can’t share it here on my blog.

But here are some photos of Swami laughing to help you feel his joy.

Crystal Hermitage at Ananda Village
Ananda Assisi

Ella to the rescue

So far we’ve been having a challenging re-entry.

It’s Swami Kriyananda’s birthday weekend, so there were plans for a beautiful tribute concert, in addition to other inspiring events.

Unfortunately, Ananda Village is experiencing a major COVID outbreak, the worst we’ve ever seen. As a result, we’ve had to cancel a number of in-person events. The concert is also off, since — as always — singing is a super-spreader activity.

It’s quite a disappointment, but help came from an unexpected direction.

I’ve loved Ella Fitzgerald since I was in my teens. I’ve been transported over and over again by her stunning voice, amazing creativity, and sheer brilliance, to the point that I wouldn’t have believed I could still be blown away by anything she sang.

But today I was blown away anew by Ella. It was just the pick-up I needed in the midst of a challenging afternoon. Check it out and enjoy…“How High the Moon”!

Here we go again

Tonight’s choir rehearsal was cancelled due to so many cases of COVID and flu happening in our community. The December 17 Christmas concert is also in jeopardy.

We certainly don’t relish the thought of pulling the plug on the first concert to include full choir in three years(!), but we really, really don’t want to create a superspreader situation either.


I so hoped we would be beyond this by now. 😕