Ever-present duality

The past three days have been quite the contrast to my week of Ayurveda bliss!

Here’s what I’ve been up to from shortly after my return home (Tuesday morning) to now (Thursday evening): town for bloodwork; grocery shopping; Mahasamadhi event; monthly Sangha meeting; music team meeting; office; town for appointments with oncologist and the infusion center; more grocery shopping; Oratorio rehearsal…while also catching up on a backlog of emails and messages.

It actually feels like a bit of a cosmic joke!

Blog year-in-review (part 1)

Remember when…?

I don’t know what I was thinking when I said I was going to “get comfortable” and read through this past year’s blog posts; I mean…that’s 365 posts!

So far I’m only up to October 1, but it’s been quite a process. Especially revisiting all the preparations and excitement of Ananda’s 50th anniversary and dedication of the Temple of Light!

I mean, talk about duality…

We’ve gone from the incredible high of joining together with hundreds and hundreds of devotees from around the globe, not to mention singing as a literal World Brotherhood Choir of over one hundred singers, to “sheltering-in-place” while maintaining physical distance even from fellow Village residents, with choir off limits indefinitely due to the fact that singing is a “super-spreading” activity.

The contrast is almost unfathomable in its intensity. But we’re finding our way in this new “landscape” and actually reaching more people than ever as Ananda throughout the world embraces the new online reality.

But yeah, this little trip down memory lane has been somewhat bittersweet.