Loving connections

Free puzzle heart love illustration

Yesterday was about connecting.

We had lunch with all the members of Ramesha’s family who currently live in Switzerland (father, brother, sister and brother-in-law, niece and boyfriend) at a pizzeria in Lugano Centro.

Silvio with Nicole, his granddaughter

We very much enjoyed our first “official” pizza of this year’s trip…and boy was it good!

Then in the evening we had dinner with the Lo Menzo family — Dudo, Karin, Samuele, and Lia. They’re some of my favorite people on the planet; unfortunately, we laugh so much when we’re together that I almost always forget to take any pictures. 😂

Good-bye for now

Inner Renewal Week is over.

I said good-bye to musically-involved friends from Dallas (TX), Tucson (AZ), Scotts Valley (CA), Tahoe (CA), and Portland (OR).

Tomorrow I begin following up: sending music to those who requested it; pursuing ways of offering online support to fledgling choirs; and sorting through the possibilities of traveling to meditation groups and teaching centers.

What joy to feel stronger connections forming as a result of spending this week of inspiration together!