A hit of nostalgia

Carlos Avila Gonzalez/The Chronicle 2022

This afternoon I was skimming an article in the SF Chronicle about iconic San Francisco buildings, of which the Transamerica Pyramid is one of the most recognizable.

I have no particular connection with that building — apart from it being part of the distinctive SF skyline — and downtown was never my favorite part of the City. So, I was a little surprised to be hit by a strong wave of nostalgia as I gazed at the photo.

But on top of that, there was another article about the future of the Cliff House, which WAS one of my absolute most favorite locations in all of San Francisco.

So many beautiful memories…

Michael Macor/The Chronicle

Joyfully active in San Francisco

Sutro Bath ruins
Sutro Park
The Cliff House from Sutro Park
Golden Gate Bridge with boat

Yesterday’s blog post brought back to me just how much I loved living in San Francisco…right up until the moment when I was completely done with San Francisco, that is (a story for another time, perhaps).

The twenty-odd years that I lived there encompassed some truly magical moments. Here’s another bit from the journal notes I found:

“It’s also rather shocking to realize that this was a major way that I took care of myself. I made time for me. I got out in the fresh air and walked all over and had time to think and reflect and just be. I would go out to the ocean and feel so nurtured by the waves and the surf and the sun. I had some powerful and transcendent moments walking in storms and feeling the elemental power flowing through me. It’s not something I can put into words but I remember that feeling and I remember how open and receptive I was.”

Ah, yes. San Francisco was a great city for walking. I walked through rainstorms and fog and bright sunny days; I routinely walked the length of Golden Gate Park to get to Ocean Beach; I would walk from the Inner Sunset to Lake St in the Richmond District for Quaker meetings; once a group of us walked from Park Merced up over Portola Dr, down Laguna Honda Blvd, over to 19th Ave and back to Parkmerced. Why? Because it was a nice day for a walk!

Probably my all time favorite walking destination in the City was the area around Land’s End, including the Cliff House, Sutro Bath ruins, and Sutro Park (the photos above show just how beautiful it was, and still is, I’m sure). Of course, there was also the bridge in the distance with boats coming and going underneath (have I mentioned how much I love boats?).

It truly was my own little slice of heaven.