Next stop is bald

I hadn’t really given much thought to the losing hair aspect of this whole process I’m in. Compared to the discomfort of nauseau and mouth sores and other gastric issues, hair coming out is at least painless.

But now it’s here and I’m beginning to understand that it really is sort of a big deal.

Oh well, it will grow back!

What a trooper!

This whole cancer journey has had Ramesha showing up for me in ever-new ways.

For example, we never could have imagined that he would need to give me injections (like before the stem cell collection). And today he got to cut my hair!

It was starting to bug me because in normal times I would be due for a cut, but in point of fact, my hair is starting to come out due to the chemo, so it seemed like a good idea to go ahead and hack most of it off.

So, my wonderful husband graciously stepped up to the plate and helped me get it done. 😘

Early bedtime

I knew going in what the various components would be but I could never have imagined how it would actually feel.

It started, of course, with the high dose chemo; was followed by lots and lots of IV fluids; then the stem cells were transplanted back into my body.

But what puts it all over the top is the reality of being in a bed in a hospital room for hours every day. Today was from 7:30am to 6:00pm, for example (although it was the longest and unlikely to be repeated).

So, despite doing nothing but lying around all day, I’m exhausted. Nighty night.

Perfect timing = DIVINE timing

Perfect timing as in the divine timing of being blessed to receive my high dose chemo on this auspicious date of September 12, the day in 1948 that Swami Kriyananda met Paramhansa Yogananda for the first time and became his lifelong disciple.

With Swamiji’s inspiring example before me, I recommit to giving everything to God — body, mind, soul, cancer, chemo, loved ones, music, attachments, favorite foods, past and future — EVERYTHING.

Thank you, Swamiji. 🙏

Looks like the honeymoon is over

Yep. Added a new chemo med today and my body is definitely letting me know it’s working!

Went through a whole upper respiratory thing in about three hours — from tightness and slight wheezing in my chest; to congestion, sneezing, and red, scratchy eyes; to mild irritation in my throat; and now things are mostly returned to normal.


After all these months of cruising through treatment with hardly a side effect, it seems the time has come for more intense meds. Meaning the honeymoon might be over.

Feeling yucky

Well, it finally happened.

Up to now I’ve been sailing through chemo with minimal side effects, but I really felt the new drug that was added this week.

I was pretty wiped out the following day, although I’m almost back to normal now.

I’m glad this is only a once a month infusion.