All for the sake of a rug

A few weeks ago we “scored” this new (to us) table.

Being round (instead of rectangular), as well as larger than our last table, we needed a rug update.

Of course, it couldn’t be simple!

For purposes of colors and matching, the rug that was under Ramesha’s desk needed to be relocated in-between dining and living room areas. Then the rug that was under the original table needed to go under Ramesha’s desk.

Then we had to unpack and roll out the rather large new rug.

Needless to say, it ended up being a rather chaotic morning, as we moved furniture and cleaned areas that are usually inaccessible.

Then we drove to town for an afternoon of errands.

I’m going to have no problem getting to bed early tonight. I’m pooped!

First chaos, then order

Reminding myself of this truth as we prepare to move the music office in the next couple of days!

It’s a little hard to work in the midst of increasing chaos, but there’s really no way around it.

Soooo…I’m doing my best to embrace the process.