New beginnings

Free Grow Leaves photo and picture

We’re finally “post-pandemic” enough to bring our full choir back online.

This is excellent news (yay!).

However, I feel like we’re poised on somewhat of a precipice, because there are things that have changed as a result of all that we’ve gone through in the past three years, and what we’re proposing doesn’t match exactly how things used to be.

I’ve never been in quite this position before. So, I’m just doing my best to tune in to “what’s trying to happen” and trust my intuition.

But, to be honest, it’s a little bit scary.


Yep, the changes are coming fast and furious now…

Today we got a tour and all the scoop on the house where we’ll be staying in Sacramento. And tomorrow we’ll have our last day of appointments at UC Davis Cancer Center before coming down to stay next week. Before you know it we’ll be in full BMT mode.

Such interesting times!

Here we go again…

At yesterday’s Sunday service, Nayaswami Parvati spoke about being balanced and flexible and able to turn on a dime… and that’s just what is being called for today!

In fact, Sunday service is going back to being entirely online. Ministers, musicians, and audio visual crew will be live in the Temple of Light, but the congregation will be viewing from home.

Hopefully this will be the last time we have to pivot in this direction (praying and crossing my fingers)! 🙏🤞😄

Reawakening will

I had one of those “moments” not too long ago. You know the ones. Where you suddenly see that you absolutely must make some radical changes and — miraculously — things fall into place to help you do it!

So I’m halfway through the “challenge” that I accepted as part of making these changes and I’m staying the course. Not only can I see and feel my health improving, but even more importantly, I can feel my will reawakening. Which is huge.

I don’t know exactly how I came lose touch with so much of my will power over the past ten or fifteen years, but it feels really good to be getting it back.

Going slow with renewed determination

Started making some small changes, then doing my best to stick with them. Bit by bit, new habits are forming and starting to stick. That makes me feel better and increases my commitment and determination.

I’m almost afraid to post this in case I jinx myself! 😂