Unexpected reunion aftereffect

My “fortune” after a Chinese food lunch on the way home from the reunion.

I would never have imagined that becoming reacquainted, and then sharing brief but intense interactions, with friends from fifty (or more) years ago could alter the landscape of my self-perceptions.

But it has!

The truth is, I have a few core beliefs that are going to require some considerable self-reflection.

Not a tree

“If you don’t like where you are, change it. You’re not a tree.”

–Jim Rohn

I really got a kick out of this quote when I saw it this morning. Not sure why it struck such a chord with me, but I absolutely love it!

Accepting change

Today I witnessed a friend realizing and graciously accepting a previously unsuspected limitation.

And it got me reflecting — certainly not for the first time — on the bittersweet quality of the autumn season.

Of fully embracing the beauty inherent in the transition. Of being grateful for the abundance and bounty we have enjoyed, even as we accept its unavoidable passing.

Trees, bodies, loved ones. They all change and eventually pass. My prayer is to learn to accept the changes as graciously as did my friend.

Perspective is everything

Perspective truly is everything, isn’t it?

I mean, from the perspective of the present moment I’m really — and I mean really — glad that we made the decision to stay home this fall.

I say that largely because all the rest of our music team members are in the midst of flux and change and challenge right now.

From an imminent knee surgery to helping an elderly parent move to a new state, and from touring Europe with Asha to an extended visit to India…there’s going to be a whole lot of coming and going!

So, I’m grateful and content to help hold down the fort for a change.

Changing numbers

Completely out of the blue, today ended up being the day we changed our cell phone numbers — which we’d had since 2011!

It was past time to do it, but — boy oh boy! — the process of updating everything (and I do mean everything) took up pretty much the whole afternoon and evening.


Time for a change?

Hard to believe, but tomorrow will mark the 2-year anniversary of this blog!

I’m feeling like it’s time to change things up a little. We’ll see what inspiration comes…