What a wise friend said

A dear friend, who is one of the wisest people I know, sent an email update about some challenges.

The update contained the assurance that she herself was doing fine, as well as a reminder of how — again and again — the spiritual teachings carry us through.

And then she wrote a sentence that I’m going to save because it’s so deeply and helpfully true. She said:

The answer is always the same and it always works: expand our consciousness beyond the body, beyond the present challenge, bring God in, open our heart to God’s grace in all, and in that moment we are carried across oceans of delusion.

Wow. I want to remember this always.

A week of contrasts

It’s been a week of high peaks and low valleys. Big challenges and bigger blessings. Joyous fun and deep discouragement.

I’m grateful for all of it…and also grateful the week is over.

Feeling grateful for Kriya

Today started out pretty challenging. Both Ramesha and I got to move through “stuff” — oh, joy!

We worked through it — both individually and together — but there was some lingering residual energy.

So, I’m really grateful for the Kriya initiation tonight, to put things in perspective and remind us what we’re really here for. 📿

Feeling challenged?

I sure was today! And I know I’m not alone. A lot of people are experiencing hard stuff–physically, emotionally; themselves, their loved ones…

Of course, my challenge is mostly around feeling out of balance, which makes everything seem that much more overwhelming.

So…what’s the main thing I need to do to achieve more balance? Stop writing, turn off the computer, and go to bed! 😀