Of butterflies and spiders

The stock photo above represents the vision I have for my butterfly bush — big blossoms covered with beautiful butterflies!

In reality my bush has been slow to flower and I haven’t seen much in the way of butterflies (as in none, although bumblebees are regular visitors to other flowers in my container garden).

So, I was thrilled the other morning to notice a butterfly on my butterfly bush!

Until I realized that the reason I could get so close without it flying away is that the butterfly had been captured by a spider and was already a goner.

Oh well, I guess spiders have to eat, too.

Pacific Grove – Day 3

Mural at the Butterfly Grove Inn, next door to the Monarch Habitat Sanctuary

Our third day in Pacific Grove started with a very relaxed morning: waking up; hanging out; eating breakfast; hanging out some more; sitting in the sun in the yard; making coffee and sitting in the sun to drink it; followed by taking a nap!

Then we headed out — first to see the monarch butterflies in their habitat sanctuary (the videos are my best attempt to capture a bit of the butterfly magic). Then to walk along the coastal trail, followed by lunch (once again with a beautiful view).

A perfectly beautiful, sunny, relaxed vacation day.

Butterflies are the embodiment of “Lightly I Fly”
The monarch butterflies really loved the bottlebrush plant
This hummingbird really loved the bottlebrush plant as well
Butterfly bench
Lunch with a view