The end-of-January blues

What are the end-of-January blues, you ask?

Well, they actually start way back in the stress and busyness of the holiday season.

Here at Ananda, we catch our collective breath from Christmas only to immediately begin preparing to celebrate Yogananda’s birthday on January 5.

After which it’s time to pull together the music ministry’s report of what happened last year and plans for the new year for the annual Sangha Outreach Ministries presentations the third week of the month.

Come the end of January we’re shifting into high gear with rehearsals for our annual performance of Christ Lives: An Oratorio, plus Ramesha and I are booking tickets for our springtime trip to Switzerland to see his family.

I realize that by the time February arrives — with its full calendar of activities — I feel like I’ve been falling behind since October, with no hope of ever catching up.

And that’s why I’ve got those end-of-January blues… Oh yeah! 🎺🎢

Achieving equilibrium

Last week was pretty busy. Followed by an intensely active weekend. Leading into a “day off” filled with errands, appointments, and recording.

I thought I was doing just fine with it all…until I tripped and fell on the path leading to our apartment this evening. Nothing serious, but enough to give one pause…

So I had “balance” on my mind as I started writing, although it quickly evolved into the thought of needing to achieve “equilibrium.”

When I began searching for a photo, I think I was unconsciously thinking of a Zen rocks “balance” kind of image. But as soon as I saw this illustration, I knew it was perfect! It describes my life all too well.πŸ˜„

Ergo the need for balance and achieving equilibrium!

The joy of singing

After days focused on writing emails, gathering information, communicating details, replying to emails, downloading videos, extracting audio tracks, writing still more emails, etc… it was finally time to record my own videos of the wedding choir songs.

It was hot and muggy. I was hungry and a little tired. I had to set up the tripod, the smartphone, the laptop, the backing tracks. It was video, so I had to change into a jewel tone top and put on some lipstick.

Ah, but then…. it was time to sing! And it didn’t matter that I was singing all by myself in my living room, to the accompaniment of a backing track. The uplifted energy, the joy of the music, the blessing of feeling it flow through me… it was all still there, ready to soothe and heal my soul.