So long & farewell to 2024!

We’ve actually had an interesting time saying goodbye to 2024 and “bringing in” 2025.

For one thing, we’ve been so busy as our time in Lugano draws to a close that we didn’t get much of a headstart on packing.

Today’s plan was to have lunch at Silvio’s, followed by a quick coffee/tea with the Lo Menzo’s, then home to get everything ready to leave first thing tomorrow morning.

Except “lunch” lasted from noon until a little after 3:00 and coffee/tea went from 3:30 until almost 5:00. By the time we got home I was pooped!

Little by little I managed to get it done, but as I sat down to write I realized I haven’t given a single thought to the year that’s ending or spent a single moment pondering my goals and intentions for the year ahead. Oops! Maybe there’ll be an opportunity on the train to Assisi tomorrow.

Regardless — I wish you all a Happy New Year and a 2025 filled with blessings!

When bedtime comes later and later

There’s something about life getting busier and more intense that causes me to gradually get to bed later and later.

It’s completely illogical and backward because I need the sleep more than ever.

But there you have it.

Delayed reaction

Tuesday was long and intense, from early morning colonoscopy (with lingering aftereffects) to evening choir and ensemble rehearsals.

I felt like my normal self on Wednesday, but it was another long, non-stop, super busy day.

I guess that’s why today felt like a delayed reaction. It all seems to have caught up with me all at once, leaving me tired, lethargic, and achy in my gut.

One short rehearsal tonight, then off to bed early.

Welcoming the weekend

The above photo has absolutely no relation to the weekend that’s in front of me —

Tomorrow morning is Rajarsi Day, when I’ll be helping with Temple of Light landscaping-related duties; tomorrow afternoon we have a satsang with Ananda Australia; Sunday morning is service; Sunday late afternoon the music team has an early dinner in town to celebrate accomplishments, travels, returns, healings, birthdays, and new beginnings.

Then we head into a new week, with our Patreon video to create; choir and ensemble rehearsals to lead; our own music and solos to learn/rehearse; and the many details of SRW to prepare.

Upon deeper reflection, the above photo will serve to focus my vision…of manifesting several days or even a week on a lake or at the coast, sitting and relaxing next to a body of water.

Ever-present duality

The past three days have been quite the contrast to my week of Ayurveda bliss!

Here’s what I’ve been up to from shortly after my return home (Tuesday morning) to now (Thursday evening): town for bloodwork; grocery shopping; Mahasamadhi event; monthly Sangha meeting; music team meeting; office; town for appointments with oncologist and the infusion center; more grocery shopping; Oratorio rehearsal…while also catching up on a backlog of emails and messages.

It actually feels like a bit of a cosmic joke!

Picking up the pace

It’s mid-July and the bone marrow transplant is suddenly feeling really close.

Things are certainly speeding up, especially in terms of fitting in appointments. In the next week and a half I’ll be having a pulmonary function test; a chest x-ray; a chemical stress test (which evidently is a two-day process); and another bone marrow biopsy (oh joy!).

And all this is in addition to my usual labs, weekly chemo injection/infusion, and physical therapy appointments.

I’m going to be a busy girl!

Playing catch up

Ah, if only I was “playing catch” rather than “catching up“!

Yeah, it’s the usual aftermath of SRW, where I get to wade through the emails, voice messages, and tasks that were postponed during the busy week.

At the same time, there are possible new projects and ideas calling for attention. Not to mention the need to start preparing for being out of commission for a couple of months.

The sooner I can knuckle down and catch up on the little stuff, the sooner I can devote my energies to the big stuff.

That’s my affirmation anyway.

Picking up the pace

Or maybe it would be more accurately described as scrambling to catch up — and then hopefully keep up — with a life flow that seems to get faster and faster!

What started as the usual full but fairly normal week has been gradually picking up speed with more and more wonderful, yet time sensitive and distinctly unusual activities.

We learned today that the music ministry is going to be featured in the next fundraising appeal (yay!), but need to get testimonials and photos to the development team by tomorrow (yikes!); we had a last minute photo shoot with the incomparable Barbara Bingham after tonight’s rehearsal; we meet tomorrow with the “big guns” about music department finances and budget; then there’s another Christmas play meeting; and to top it all off, we received a request (also rather last minute) to provide music for Jyotish and Devi’s “Touch of Peace” book launch on Saturday night.

We were also invited to lead a virtual satsang for an Ananda group in Singapore on Friday evening, but thank goodness we listened to our intuition and suggested they schedule us for another time. I’m pretty sure adding that into the mix would have tipped us over the edge!

Sunday: day of rest…NOT!

This was one of those Sundays…

Up early for rehearsal before Sunday service.

More apartment clearing in the afternoon.

Then off to the office to work for a while.

Now it’s 8:00pm and I’m done. 😂

Sixteen years ago…

Ramesha and Bhagavati in 2004

When Ramesha and I got married (sixteen years ago!), the astrologically auspicious date was July 5, which happened to be a Monday.

My Dad was turning 70 on July 3rd of that year, so my sister and I decided that — since the family was already gathering for the wedding — we might as well add a surprise birthday party to the festivities.

It was quite the weekend: a wedding blessing and potluck Friday night; Dad’s birthday party on Saturday; 4th of July festivities on Sunday; and finally the wedding on Monday morning!

Turns out that was a preview of what our anniversary would look like from year to year — birthdays, national holidays, and now Spiritual Renewal Week!

Which all goes to say that we didn’t have the energy to do anything out of the ordinary today.

But tomorrow…! 💕