By the hour

We’re in the midst of a salary and budget process, which has required us music ministry folks to quantify what we do in terms of how many hours we spend on various tasks.

It’s been a fairly exhausting process.

Partly because we’re a bunch of largely right-brained creatives who really don’t think this way.

Partly because this past year and a half has been so different from all that ever came before, to the point where it’s hard to even remember what came before (or how much time we spent doing it).

Partly because it’s hard to know how much of what we learned and developed during the lockdown period of the pandemic will stay with us into the future.

And partly because — even as life starts opening up — we continue to be flooded with more questions and constantly changing circumstances.

But we’re doing our best. And, actually, it’s been quite enlightening to see in writing all the different aspects of what we do!