A really sweet & blessed moment

I had kind of a rushed morning, so when I got to the office I felt the need to sit quietly for a few minutes in meditation.

By the time I finished my screensaver had kicked in…and these were the photos that greeted me — all in a row — when I opened my eyes.

I felt Master’s and Swamiji’s loving presence so strong in that moment.

And what a blessed moment it was.

So much to be grateful for

Sure, there’s still no power, which is inconvenient.

True, we ran into issues changing phone providers, which was annoying.

Yes, it been raining a lot, which can feel a little oppressive.

But on the other hand…

Our heat is propane, so we’re nice and warm. We’ve got a small generator, so fridge and wifi work. We live in spiritual community, surrounded by friends. We love our work, which we get to do together.

And even more basic…

We have a roof over our heads, our roads aren’t flooded, we have plenty to eat, and no fear for our personal safety.

I mean, really…! I am extremely blessed, and I know it.

Grateful for enduring friendships

It’s been a full day with many tasks accomplished (emails, meetings, laundry, practicing, rehearsal), but I’m most pleased about the fact that I finally finished reading and responding to all my birthday greetings.

It’s so fun to tune in — however briefly — to friends from all the different eras of my life: high school buddies; classmates at university and conservatory; professional musician colleagues; fellow seekers from different spiritual congregations; and those I met while living in other countries.

It leaves me feeling more grateful than ever for the rich and varied life I’ve been blessed to lead.

A blessed homecoming

A number of beautiful flower offerings greeted us when we arrived home today.

Most were bouquets from friends, but Divine Mother welcomed us with flowers as well — we had never seen such an abundance of roses on the somewhat neglected bushes next to our yard!

The photo below doesn’t come close to doing them justice!

Blue skies and the first star

I felt so blessed to wake up to blue skies today.

I mean, there’s nothing like three weeks of constant rain and clouds to remind one of how wonderful sunshine can be. 🌞

And then to arrive home at dusk and see the first star against indigo skies…bliss, indeed!

(I’m not the greatest photographer but I hope you can see it, just barely above the bare branches of the tree in the middle of the photo.)

Happy birthday to me

It’s been a flower-filled birthday, with these beautiful bouquets delivered right to my door!

Ramesha and I took it easy today. We grabbed delicious salads to go from a nearby cafe, then ate them while sitting by the pool at Crystal Hermitage.

The evening has been spent reading (or listening to) my many birthday messages on Facebook, Messenger, text, email, and voicemail!

All in all, I’m feeling extremely blessed.

Overdue health update

When I first started on this healing journey, we had no idea what to expect. But now that I’m a couple of months into it, I’m very happy to report the following:

  • My energy is holding steady. In fact, I’ve actually been able to maintain close to my usual schedule. Well, except for allowing extra time to rest and making sleep a priority. And except for driving to town at least twice a week for medical appointments.
  • We’ve been able to maintain the momentum of the music ministry. This Friday we’re doing a full LIVE performance of Swami Kriyananda’s Oratorio: Christ Lives! for the first time since 2019, and for the first time ever in the Temple of Light, and I’m well enough to fully participate!
  • Thanks to radiation, I’m regaining full movement of my right shoulder.
  • I’ve received so many prayers, voicemails, text messages, emails, cards, gifts, articles, suggestions, you name it — all of them filled with love and many of them very helpful — that it’s actually been somewhat overwhelming and I haven’t been able to respond as I would wish. I’m sure everyone understands, but I just want to say that, once the Oratorio is over and things slow down again, I look forward to slowly being in touch with all my well-wishers around the world!

What else can I say? Yes, I have cancer, but I am also well and strong and happy and very, very blessed.

Counting my blessings

I truly am grateful, thankful, and blessed!

Here’s something that Swamiji said in 2012:

“Happy Thanksgiving Day. Today is a big day in America, but what it stands for would be good for everyone on earth to celebrate: a day of thanks to God for His many gifts.”

How wonderful it would be to focus on giving thanks for God’s gifts every day of the year, and to go to sleep each night…counting my blessings!

When I’m worried and I can’t sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And I fall asleep counting my blessings

When my bankroll is getting small
I think of when I had none at all
And I fall asleep counting my blessings

I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads
And one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds

If you’re worried and you can’t sleep
Just count your blessings instead of sheep
And you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings

Thank you, friends!

I’m feeling so blessed! Yesterday’s sharing of some doubts and concerns immediately resulted in an outpouring of support and encouragement from friends far and near.

Having people in one’s corner — believing in you, praying for you, knowing that all will be well with you — makes all the difference in the world.

Thank you, friends! 💗