A perfect birthday

I thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful couple of days, shared with my wonderful husband; a portion of my family (Dad, sister, one of my brothers, a niece, and a grand-niece!); new friends (Michael and Olivia, the absolutely delightful owners of Bradley House, the bed-and-breakfast where we spent the night); and old friends (Sundara and Nandadevi, returned from two weeks visiting family back East).

Our time was so full with all the driving and meeting and talking and eating, that I haven’t yet had a chance to read the many birthday greetings that arrived throughout the day. I look forward to doing that on the day after my birthday!

It’s virtual choir time!

Which means lots of emails, lots of downloads, lots of converting video to audio, and lots and lots of helping people navigate technology. Which is interesting for a not particularly technical person like me!

But it’s all for the best of causes — joining together in song despite being separated by time and space, this time in honor of Swami Kriyananda’s birthday. Yay! 😊

Indeed, I am the fortunate one!

Today is Ramesha’s birthday and here he is with his present: a beautiful painting — titled “O Holy Night” — created in Pune, India by our friend Shamini. It arrived with a few days to spare — just enough time for me to select the frame!

I think I’ve already shared that my spiritual name means “the fortunate one.” Well, I definitely feel fortunate — and extremely grateful — that this great soul decided to incarnate and that he’s sharing his life with me.💘

Kind hearts unite

I had planned to send special birthday greetings to a dear friend that we haven’t seen for a few years, but my weekend was slightly discombobulated…and I forgot. 😕

Since it popped into my mind as I sat down to write my post, I decided that I would feature my Kind Heart friend in today’s blog!

Yes, he and his beautiful wife are two of the greatest, most joyfully creative, kindest souls I know. And their creative offerings are available at their Etsy store: Kind Hearts Studio.

Happy birthday, R! 💗

The blessing is mine

It’s Yogananda’s birthday, but I’m the one receiving the gift of his many blessings!

Thank you, Master, for all the ways you have transformed (and continue transforming) my life.

Birthday gratitude

I finally was able to set aside a few hours this evening to read all my birthday greetings — on Facebook, on the Sevaka Order website, though beautiful e-cards and emails, and on Nextdoor.

What I really should do is transfer all the wonderful comments and sincere good wishes into some sort of book that I could dip into whenever I start to feel a little down or filled with doubt. There’s nothing like birthday wishes to make one feel loved!

Right now my heart feels like that rose looks (thanks to Jody Mori for the beautiful rose image)!

Thank you all!

The best birthday presents

A beautiful midsummer evening birthday dinner with my sweet husband using our new patio furniture on our spiffed up patio!

The love of family and so very many dear friends.

Sharing my life with a husband who complements me in every way and loves me to distraction.

Living in a little slice of paradise on earth.

Music, music, music.

Seeing the vision for our music ministry expanding by leaps and bounds in amazing new directions.

I am soooooo blessed! 😊

Happy Birthday, Swamiji! (a new beginning)

I wrote my first “Music. Life. Joy” post on Swami’s birthday last year, so today marks the beginning of year #2. I can hardly believe it…but I wrote something every single day!

In other news, we honored Swamiji with a beautiful event in the Temple of Light, led by Jyotish and Devi. Ramesha and I got to sing! And there was an amazing rainbow!

Now I’m going to get comfortable and read through the past year’s posts.

I did it! 😊

One of my favorite days!

We’ve had a delightful time celebrating Ramesha’s birthday (we actually got an early start, with a fun gathering Sunday night). And it’s with a great deal of joy, love, and gratitude that I look forward to sharing another year of life together. 💖