Kriya: high point of the week

It was already a big week (with music to prepare and classes to attend every day), but towards the end I added two trips to town for dental appointments and errands; helped prepare the music office for carpet cleaning; and had to track down missing expense info for our upcoming tax appointment.

And, of course, tonight was Kriya!

I was so tired that I almost stayed home. But I’m glad I went because it’s always deeply inspiring and motivating.

What a week

What a week it was indeed!

It all caught up with me this afternoon, leaving me feeling done in and determined to get some extra sleep tonight.

Hence the short blog post. 😴

Time to relax

It’s been a big week and tomorrow’s our Christmas concert.

So, I’m going to keep this short and sweet, then go home and take it easy!

The well is dry

This was a week that took a lot out of me. And it’s not over yet.

We have a half day retreat tomorrow, followed by a rehearsal in the evening.

Then there’s singing for Sunday service, followed by recording a video in the afternoon.

So, I’m feeling momentarily out of juice and quite ready for an early night.

That Friday feeling

This was one of those weeks — lots going on in the music ministry; Inner Renewal Week classes every day; multiple meetings; and last week of my 28 day challenge — WHEW!

I am definitely ready for a laid back Friday night and some actual R & R time over the weekend.

Wishing the same for you as well!