This made me laugh

I hope it gives you some chuckles as well, because that’s all I’ve got tonight (in the interest of achieving an early bedtime).

Getting closer

Writing the blog earlier in the day — so I don’t have to turn on the computer late in the evening — is actually helping me with my bedtime.

I didn’t quite make it before 11:00 last night, but I was close!

So, here I am….doing Whatever. It. Takes. once again.

Doing W.I.T. (whatever it takes)

I’m determined to be in bed no later than 11:00 tonight.

That means I must not turn on the computer for any reason once I get home from rehearsal.

Which means writing today’s blog before rehearsal.

Ergo… 😂

The struggle is real

Now that I’m back to full energy and my regular “work,” I’m also falling back into old habits of getting to bed late.

It’s frustrating enough to make me want to pull my hair out!



Final day of Inner Renewal Retreat is tomorrow (though it’s immediately followed by two days of Kriyaban Retreat, so the week’s still far from over for us).

The talks have been amazing. Lots of deep inspiration and wisdom and joy.

However, sleep has been at a premium. So, tonight I am determined not to turn on my computer after this evening’s program of a Q & A with Jyotish and Devi. Because once I turn on the computer bedtime gets later and later.

And that is why today’s blog post is about why I’m writing today’s blog post early. 😂

Full moon night

Another late night for us, but the moon sure was beautiful as we drove home!

Today (May 5) was also a lunar eclipse, so there’s lots of moon energy happening these days!

But I’m so tired right now that I’m just grateful for bedtime and sweet dreams.

Must…go…to bed!

Tonight is not — I repeat, not — the night to stay up into the wee hours.

We’re already losing an hour due to Daylight Savings, which means getting to rehearsal at 8:45am will feel like 7:45am.


Early bedtime

I knew going in what the various components would be but I could never have imagined how it would actually feel.

It started, of course, with the high dose chemo; was followed by lots and lots of IV fluids; then the stem cells were transplanted back into my body.

But what puts it all over the top is the reality of being in a bed in a hospital room for hours every day. Today was from 7:30am to 6:00pm, for example (although it was the longest and unlikely to be repeated).

So, despite doing nothing but lying around all day, I’m exhausted. Nighty night.