Parco San Grato

Turns out that yesterday’s walk up the hill above our apartment was just a warmup for an excursion with Ramesha’s family today.

We went to the quite amazingly beautiful Parco San Grato, located high above Lugano, to walk the grounds and have a picnic.

There are plenty of photos to share, but I’m too pooped to deal with them tonight.

We only walked/hiked for about two hours altogether, but there was plenty of up and down, plus dealing with uneven, rocky ground. All in all, it was the most physical activity I’ve had in a while and I am definitely feeling it this evening.

Bye for now

It felt a little crazy but this morning — in the midst of packing; dropping off recycling and garbage; and learning we had to get the car smog checked today — we actually took a few minutes to visit Crystal Hermitage Gardens and witness the beauty of the tulips before heading off to Europe for four weeks.

The truth is, I was feeling a little crazy, but as I stepped into the lower gardens and literally drank in the view you see in the above photo, with its incredible beauty and palpable peace, I was able to stop. To be still. And to simply appreciate the blessing that Crystal Hermitage Gardens is to each of us and to the world.

To be honest, it made it that much harder to leave. But we’ll be back soon.

Sheer beauty wins the day

It was time to write my blog post, but my mind was blank.

I reflected on my day. No ideas came.

I reviewed my notes of possible blog topics. Nothing appealed to me.

I resorted to scrolling through Facebook for inspiration. Nothing, nothing…

Until — at last! — this painting leapt out at me. I’m sharing it simply because it’s beautiful.

(I only regret that I couldn’t identify the artist in order to give them credit.)

Celebrating Yogananda’s birth

Tonight’s celebration of Master’s birthday was perfect.

It was an incredibly beautiful altar; the choir songs and Jitendra’s chanting were filled with devotion.; the meditation was deep; and Jyotish and Devi gave inspiring talks.

What more could one wish for?

A beautiful leaf

I was taking a little walk and happened upon this leaf.

I paused to note its beauty, and started to walk on. But then I stopped and went back to pick it up.

It was just too beautiful. So beautiful, in fact, that I feel it deserves its own blog post!

Holding on to the peace

My seclusion has ended and I’m back in the flow of life’s busyness.

But I spent a good portion of a week in silence, by myself, meditating, seeing beauty around me on my walks, enjoying every quiet moment…and I’m going to do my best to carry that peace into my daily life.

For tonight, I’m just really grateful.

Beauty all around us

Many thanks to our friend, Ram, for this gorgeous photo of a lotus taken at one of the ponds here at Ananda Village.

I’m so grateful to live surrounded by so much beauty.